Nicolas Wagner

Economist, engineer and climate change specialist


Director of motorway regulation

Autorité de régulation des transports

Leading a directorate responsible for regulating the motorway sector (15+ economists)

May 2019 - Present

Head of the emprical policy analysis team

OECD, International transport forum

Evidence-based policy analysis. Led large projects for member and non-member countries.

April 2015 - May 2019

Head of the Economic Appraisal Team

Ministry in charge of transport, ministry of the environment

Managed 5 engineers policy appraisal and economic advice in the fields of energy, urban planning and transport

September 2013 - April 2015

Head of the urban planning team

Ministry in charge of transport, CEREMA, Lyon

Managed a team of 16 people supporting urban, transport and environnemental planning at a local scale

September 2010 - September 2013

Junior researcher

Ecole des Ponts, Paris

Produced research work on a wide range of subjects including transport economics, operational research and modeling

September 2007 - September 2010

Software engineer

Renault, Paris

Software development in C++

August 2003 - August 2004


PhD in economics

Université Paris-Est, Ecole des Ponts

Dynamic equilibrium on a transport network

September 2007 - September 2010

Master of science in transport

Imperial College

Courses in transport economics and policies

September 2005 - September 2006

Diplôme d'ingénieur

Ecole des Ponts

Intensive courses in Mathematics and computer science

September 2002 - September 2005

Lycée du Parc

Classe préparatoire aux grandes écoles

Intensive course in Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry

September 2000 - September 2002


  • Change management
  • Communication to high level executives
  • Agile Development
  • Applied mathematics and data analysis
  • Transport policies and economics
  • Climate change mitigation and adaptation policies

  • Fluent in english and french
  • Basic level of Russian

Programming Languages & Tools
  • Proficiency in R (most standard packages, including tinyverse) and Python (NumPy, SciPy, Scikit-learn)
  • C++ (STL, Boost, Qt)
  • PostgreSQL/PostGIS


A couple of projects I conducted in the last decade.

The economics of motorway concessions in France

I lead a large work on French motorway concessions. The resulting report presents their economic model, measured their profitability and presented recommandation on how they should be regulated.

Download the report

The Decarbonsing Transport initiative

The Decarbonising Transport initiative promotes carbon-neutral mobility to help stop climate change. It provides decision makers with tools to select CO2 mitigation measures that deliver on their climate commitments. At the OECD I was involved in several projects within the decarbonising Transport initiative. For example :

Accessibility measurements (2017-2018)

Spatial accessibility relates to how, and how well, people access to jobs and services. There is currently a renewed interest among transport planners about urban accessibility. I have built the ITF urban accessibility platform, a set of databases and computational scripts that allow producing accessibility measurements for all cities of the world.

Download the final report

National low carbon strategy (2014 - 2016)

I have been a key member of the national low carbon strategy (NLCS) of 2015.

Among other things, I worked actively on the transport scenario and conducted a lond term demand forecastThe results are currently still used as a reference for transport policies appraisal by the ministry in charge of transport.

Download the report on long term transport demand forecast

I also conducted an appraisal of macroeconomic effects of the NLCS using a CGE model. Download the report on the macroeconomic effects of the NLCS

Socio-economic assessments or transport policies (2013 - 2016)

During my years at the central administration of the ministry in charge of transport, I conducted several socio-economic assessments. In particular:

I was also part of the scientific committee of the national guideline for socio-economic appraisal of transport investements.

Residential economy (2010-2013)

Based on the theoretical framework developed by Laurent Davezies, this study deals with the consequence of an increase in transport cost on residential economy in South East France. We produced 4 publications:

Additionally, I authored a methodological report that was used to replicate the study in four other parts of France.

Download summary report

Assessing transport policies in the Vallée du Rhône (2011 - 2012)

In 2006, a national debate on widening the heavily congested highways of the Vallée du Rhône took place. It resulted in the creation of an observatory of the transport activities. I was charge to define the observatory and to produce its first assessment report, covering the 2006 to 2012 period. In this context, I lead a team of four engineers and a designer.

Download summary report

Local authority assistance for sustainable mobility plans (2010 - 2013)

I have conducted several expertises for local authorities. It usually consisted in small studies on specific topics within a larger project. For instance, I offered technical assistance for:

I also had a minor participation in a small methodological summary on urban mobility plans appraisal : "L'évaluation des PDU : des convergences d'approches pour une réalité complexe"

Large scale transport surveys (2010 - 2013)

While I was working at CETE de de Lyon (now CEREMA), I was head of project for many survey. In particular I conducted a large sruvey (> 10 000 households) for the region Rhône-Alpes. I was also responsible for the main statistical aspects (survey plan and re-weighting of the results using marginal calibration techniques).

Download summary report

Development of a traffic microsimulator for Renault (2005 - 2006)

For over 25 years, Renault has been developing driving simulators for new vehicle development or research activities. I spent one year at in Renault Driving simulator and virtual reality department, developing the traffic simulation module of SCANeR© II, the in-house driving simulator tool. I investigated state-of-the-art modeling techniques, in particular Bayesian networks approaches, and implemented them in the software.